The Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition for Nintendo Switch is the next big coup for the hybrid console. The game got off to a very good start, as the sales figures show in the first week. The game climbed to the top of the charts in Great Britain and the Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition also made a real sprint in Japan: the role-playing game was sold over 90.000 times.
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition is a top seller
In Japan, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition is very well received by fans. The numbers speak for themselves, but in the end it was not enough for the top spot. With 90.789 units sold, the game ranks second on the Japanese sales charts, behind Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons defends the top position with over 100.000 sales in the last week of May. In total, the premiere title of the simulation series went over the counters around 4,7 million times. Nevertheless, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition doesn't have to hide with around 90.000 units sold. A comparison with another major release shows why. The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki was released for Playstation 4 and sold around 12.000 times in its launch week.
At the same time, this shows how popular they are Nintendo Switch continues to be. The console was sold around 73.000 times last week, with the Lite version accounting for around 34.000 sales. For comparison: the Playstation 4 was sold 3.200 times in the same period, the Pro version 2.600 times.
Otherwise, the usual suspects can be found in the sales charts: Ring Fit Adventure for Nintendo Switch is in fourth place in the charts with around 40.000 units sold, meaning the sports adventure game is likely to reach the million mark within the next week. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Nintendo Switch is also approaching a milestone: after around 10.000 additional sales, only around 35.000 units are missing to reach the three million mark. Splatoon 10, Super Smash Bros. and Minecraft also made it into the top 2. Not surprisingly: the charts are dominated by the Nintendo Switch. The only PS4 titles remain The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki and the anniversary bundle for Bayonetta & Vanquish.
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