The Japanese board game publisher Oink Games is planning to release its games in digital versions Nintendo Switch bring to. The publisher has already teased a corresponding crowdfunding campaign on a pre-page. The Japanese want to publish the campaign in May under the title “Oink Games +”.
With “Oink Games +”, the Japanese publisher is once again approaching fans with crowdfunding. Only at the beginning of the year did you have a first one Kickstarter campaign used to finance three board games. This time, the focus is on digital versions - and the Nintendo Switch is better suited for this than almost any other console, thanks to touch controls, among other things. However, there are currently no exact details about the campaign.
Oink Games digital not inexperienced
The publisher is not entirely inexperienced when it comes to digital formats: Last summer, Takeshi & Hiroshi, a role-playing game about two brothers, was published for Switch and iOS. Oink Games, on the other hand, is best known for analog games such as Deep Sea Adventure or A Fake Artist Goes to New York. Deep Sea Adventure in particular has become a real hit.
[お 知 ら せ‼ ️]
オ イ ン ク ゲ ー ム ズ の ボ ー ド ゲ ー ム を デ ジ タ ル 化 す る プ ロ ジ ェ ク ト を 立 ち 上 げ ま す! オ ン ラ イ ン プ レ イ 可能 で, デ ジ タ ル ア ナ ロ グ 両 方 の 知 見 を 活 か し た, 未来 へ の 新 し い 一 歩 で す. ま ず は Switch で. 5 月 に ク ラ ウ ド フ ァ ン デ ィ ン グ @kickstarter 開始。 ぜ ひ 下 記 か ら 登録 を! Oink Games (@oinkgms) April 30, 2021
The Push Your Luck title puts players in the shoes of divers searching for treasure on the ocean floor. Among other things, it is important to keep an eye on the available oxygen in order to be able to safely salvage the finds and bring them to the surface. At the same time you can annoy your opponents. The social deduction game with creative mechanics, "A Fake Artist Goes to New York" also attracted attention in the scene. As you often see with Asian publishers, the game boxes are small works of art: Oink Games had previously published all titles in compact glossy boxes.
It is not yet clear whether the publisher will use the games available to date for "Oink Games +" and thus for the digital adaptations, or whether new works will also be part of the campaign. So far, the publisher has only announced that it intends to digitize “its titles”. However, you can see from the short description that it should be about board games.
There is also no information on the price of the campaign: Measured against the game Takeshi & Hiroshi - the title costs around nine US dollars for Nintendo Switch - the digital works by Oink Games could be in a similar price range. When the Oink Games + campaign on Kickstarter exactly is not known, but it should be ready in May.
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