Board games for Nintendo Switch are becoming increasingly popular. Because game developers have also recognized this, popular board games are regularly released as digital adaptations for the Japanese hybrid console. Currently this mostly applies to popular classics such as Monopoly, Catan or Carcassonne. However, more modern titles will also be implemented for the Nitendo Switch in the future. Ubisoft is releasing the board games Risk and Trivial Pursuit as part of Hasbro Game Night, among other things.
Risk and Trivial Pursuit on Nintendo Switch in October
For game developers and publishers, Nintendo's hybrid console is becoming increasingly interesting as a device for digital board game adaptations. Asmodee Digital, one of the leading providers of digital board games, already has several titles for Nintendo Switch announced. Classics such as the board games Carcassonne or Catan appear in digital versions for Nintendo Switch (we reported), but also card games like the Lord of the Rings or Munchkin.
The Nintendo Switch Using it as a gaming platform for board games underlines this innovative character of the consolethat will mess up the entire console landscape.
The popular board games Risk and Trivial Pursuit are being released for Nintendo Switch as part of Hasbro's Game Night. The titles have been adapted for the Nintendo Switch, which is mainly the title Risk - The Video Game will benefit. Supported touch controls and an improved interface are two of the improvements that have a direct impact on the gameplay.
The bundle, which also includes the popular classic Monopoly, is available from October 23, 2018 available. The RRP is 59,99 euros.
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