At first it was just a pious wish, now the successor to Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order could actually be put into practice. Electronic Arts has listed a position for a "senior software engineer" on the company's job portal, who should bring a "passion for Star Wars". A Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order 2 could already be in the planning stage.
Third-person game in the Star Wars universe
The job advertisement gives another clue that could point to a successor to Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. A third-person action adventure is to be developed. That sounds suspiciously like what fans already have in the im Test report convincing Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order expected.
Indeed, a successor seems more than likely. Respawn Entertainment's action adventure has received multiple praise from both critics and gamers. Also the Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order sales agreed publishers Electronic Arts satisfied. In any case, Elctronic Arts had already announced that it wanted to work on the license much more actively. Everything fits. Why should the successor? Star Wars: So Jedi Fallen Order isn't actually coming?
Even the developers suggested shortly after it was released, more stories in the Star Wars universe wanting to tell. There are actually no reasons that speak against a successor.
Whether a Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order 2 is actually being planned and when work on it will begin remains to be seen.
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