Sheepy: A Short Adventure is a crisp platformer that plays from the perspective of a small, orphaned sheep named “Sheepy”. This sets off on a journey through a devastated city that appears deserted at first glance, but is not as dead as one might think. Sheepy has to face numerous tasks during his journey and over time he learns new skills that need to be perfected.
Woke up, but where to?
Lots of questions, few answers. Right at the beginning you find yourself in a seemingly deserted city. The name of the city is unknown, as is the destination. All you have to do is fight your way through the different zones the game has to offer, little by little. Each of these zones has its own character and is accompanied by background music that quickly captivates you.
Although you go on your journey as a lonely sheep, you are still not alone. Again and again you walk past old radios that contain voice recordings of people talking about their experiences or fates. These can give you an uneasy feeling, but it is important not to let them deter you and continue on your path.
Enemies lie in wait for you
As if the uneasy feeling in his stomach wasn't enough, Sheepy also has to assert himself against opponents who are standing in front of him in real form. Although attack is known to be the best defense, a certain balance is an advantage if you don't want to fight the same boss fight over and over again. The skills you learn also come in handy during these fights. If you use them well, your opponent will soon be nothing more than a demon of the past.
A bit short, but free-2-play
Sheepy: A Short Adventure is available for free in the Steam store and can be played with a mouse and keyboard as well as a controller. However, the developers, MrSuicideSheep, recommend using a controller because the game was designed specifically for it. The game has a playing time of around 1,5 hours and is therefore not a long-term option, but is absolutely sufficient for in between.