The Publisher Pegasus Spiele brings heavy metal to the gaming table – in two senses. The board game “Armata Strigoi” not only deals with the hard sounds in terms of gameplay, but also lets players slip into the roles of “real” metalheads. Armata Strigoi is the official board game of the heavy metal band Powerwolf.
Pegasus Spiele takes over the exclusive distribution of Armata Strigoi, the official board game of the metal band Powerwolf. The title of the game is also the title of one of their songs and loosely provides the background story of the board game about the final battle between werewolves and vampires.
Hard, harder, board game
That sounds very special and is also implemented that way. Two to four players handle metal-like with blood points and roam the night as a werewolf special unit to put an end to vampires. Otherwise, the board game presents itself in a classic way: players slip into the spiked boots of one of the band members and receive - depending on the class behind them - special skills that are reminiscent of typical role-playing games: Attila is the mentor with troop skills, Falk Maria the priest with healing powers, Matthew the hunter who can move faster, Charles the berserk with stronger fighting skills and Roel the blacksmith with protective skills.
If you can't do anything with Powerwolf: It's simply the most successful German heavy metal band - no more, no less. It is no coincidence that it is all about werewolves and vampires, because that is exactly what the band's eponymous song is about. The equipment is typical of the genre: miniatures of the main characters, countless tokens, two Strigoi figures and a lot of maps with which the heroes' skills are triggered.
The gameplay is divided into two parts: At the beginning of the game, the enemies of the "Powerwoll Werewolves", the Strigoi, are invulnerable. Therefore, blood points must first be collected in order to inflict damage on the vampires.
These are obtained by defeating the creatures of the night allied with the Strigoi, who are also in the fortress. Only then do players face the Strigoi in battle. "But as soon as one of the two is killed, the other immediately transforms into the Supreme Master Strigoi and is even more deadly from now on," writes Pegasus Spiele about the special twist in the board game. Each player makes their own decisions about their character's actions and movements. Nevertheless, everyone acts together as a team.
The board game Powerwolf was released in November of last year, but was previously available through the band's publisher. Takes over from now on Pegasus Spiele of sales and should therefore reach one or two players more. The price is around 50 euros.
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