Tapestry, the civilization board game with the special look, by Jamey Stegmaier gets its first expansion. With the subtitle "Plans and Ploys" new card types, miniatures and new civilizations come into play, among other things. Pre-orders are expected to be possible from September, according to Stonemaier, shipping should take place in the same month.
Secrecy is on the agenda when the first expansion to Jamey Stegmaier's unusual civilization game "Plans and Ploys" (German: Plans and Tricks) is released next month. Other civilizations, among other things, provide more variety - a lack of variety is one of the frequently mentioned points of criticism of the main game.
Expansion "Plans and Ploys" provides more variety
Custom Achievements for Players to Track is one of the new pieces of content in the first Tapestry expansion. In addition, from then on, sights can be built in the cities in order to provide new opportunities for interaction.
Tapestry is a civilization board game by Jamey Stegmaier, with illustrations by Andrew Bosley and sculptures by Rom Brown. The game also has an unusual look, but the focus is on smart strategic decisions. Players control the fate of a people and drive their technological and cultural developments forward. The highlight of the semi-asymmetrical board game: Each starting faction plays differently at Tapestry, so players have access to different skills and pursue different goals.
Tapestry follows four paths of progress: technology, exploration, military, and science. The progress leads to individual advantages in order to be able to withstand the opponents. In addition, there is the need to develop your own capital further and to find out more about your own civilization.
Tapestry is in the original in 2019 Stonemaier Games was published and is distributed in Germany in the German version of Tierra del Fuego games. Overall, the reviews range from good to excellent, with a few outliers attesting to the board game's rather solid playful qualities. The first expansion “Plans and Ploys” also comes directly from Jamey Stegmaier, who, among other things, developed board games such as Scythe or Charterstone designed. The announcement of the expansion follows the release of the asymmetric worker placement board game Pendulum, which is also distributed in Germany by Tierra del Fuego games.
Tapestry: Plans and Ploys should appear in September, a retail price has not yet been determined. For comparison: the basic game costs at fire land the recommended retail price is around 85 euros, the retail price is around 65 to 70 euros.
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