Pax Pamir, the game by “Root” author Cole Wehrle, was one of the most celebrated board games last year. Because the second edition of the title has long been sold out, a reprint is now planned Kickstarter financed through crowdfunding. The corresponding campaign is scheduled to start next month, probably on March 10th.
Pax Pamir: Second Edition convinces fans
With the second edition of Pax Pamir, Cole Wehrle has delivered another convincing board game after Root. One to five players take on the roles of leaders in 19th century Afghanistan and try to increase their influence.
In a resource-rich country, players have to use clever tactics to make pacts with the most aspiring faction possible - in the end, to collect victory points in a very simple way. It is the mechanism behind it that is convincing at Pax Pamir: a card can call up at any time to check the dominance of the parties. Who then - through a card-based game - supports the side of the leading coalition receives victory points. This continues until the fourth influence check or until a single player is in the lead with at least four points.
The mix of different mechanisms in different strengths make Pax Pamir: Second Edition a colorful bouquet of strategy. Nevertheless, the board game is comparatively straightforward. Whatever is in focus is the right timing.
Cole Wehrle is currently working on Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile, which is successfully over Kickstarter has been funded and generated over $ 1,1 million. The board game is scheduled to appear in January 2021.
The second edition of Pax Pamir, on the other hand, is expected to go live on March 10th. Players can then decide for themselves whether the game will go into reprint - and that is currently assumed.
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