Buying games over the Internet is one of the most convenient ways to expand your game collection. Not everyone decides on one of the official dealers or shops, such as the Steam or Epic Games shop. The price advantage in particular leads to the decision to buy on Ebay or on a website that offers well below the average price. While everyone would of course like to get a bargain or two, you should pay attention to some things when buying from unknown sources or shops on the Internet.
Buy used games on the Internet - pay attention to reviews
Ebay in particular is one of the most popular sources to this day when it comes to getting physical copies of current titles. There are both used games and offers of new games in the original packaging, which are still significantly cheaper than buying them in normal stores. Of course, you have the typical risk that there are no guarantees and that you cannot rely on the good reputation of a brand. Instead, you have to rely on both the information and the trustworthiness of the seller. It is therefore important to pay attention to the details, especially with used games.
On Ebay, of course, the seller's rating is always used as an indicator. If many customers are satisfied with it, there should usually be no problems. When buying through classified ads, it is important to ensure that the goods are handed over personally in exchange for the money. In this way, you can check whether all the information is correct before you make a decisive purchase.
In the case of rather unknown portals, it can be worthwhile to check the ratings on the Internet. There are many forums, portals and specialized websites that deal with external reviews of unknown online shops. This way you get a little more security when buying.
The most important indications for a reputable shop on the Internet
In general, it is not advisable to decide to buy goods in Asia. There is no guarantee that an exchange will be possible and, moreover, many of the shops disappear shortly after they popped up. Therefore, one should rather rely on providers from the EU. The advantage here is that there are various mandatory information for consumer protection that can be used as an indicator that a shop is actually trustworthy.
That comes first Imprint website. It is mandatory in Germany and contains all important information about the shop, the operator behind it and contact information in the event of problems. If there is no imprint, a purchase is strongly discouraged.
But also information such as a valid data protection declaration, the use of official seals and ratings and transparent customer opinions can provide an indication of whether you are dealing with a professional. If you have found such a shop and it still offers significantly lower prices, you can be pleased that you have added a bargain to your own game collection.