For many months fans have speculated about a new offshoot of the Batman video game series. There were countless rumors about a "Batman Next" and now, shortly before Warner should have had the opportunity to officially announce a successor at E3 2020, the coronavirus fans thwart the bill - at least for the time being. It can be assumed that Warner will also celebrate its new announcements on its own, just as other publishers do after the cancellation of E3.
WB Games for the first time with its own event
According to Schreier, Warner Bros. has planned its own event for E3 for the first time. If that is actually true, this step would already show how convinced you are at Warner of its new announcements - and how effective the titles are.
A successor to the Batman video games has been expected by fans for years. A "Batman Next" is being developed by Warner Montreal, the studio that was responsible for Batman: Arkham Origins. There have been many rumors in the past few months, including a possible name. At this year's E3, fans should find out whether and what would have been the case. Instead it means: keep waiting.
Also as part of an E3 show, Warner Bros wanted to introduce the "Harry Potter" role-playing game that has been in development since 2018. Avalanche Studios are working on the title, which was expected to be announced soon anyway. According to Schreier, the time has come at E3 2020.
There are no details about the new title from Rocksteady, which should be part of the Warner show. Fans have long been waiting for info bites. So far we only know what Rocksteady has not developed and that is a Superman game. Originally, a new title was supposed to be presented at E3 2019, but the developers did nothing of their own accord. Well, exactly one year later, the new show was planned, maybe even with specific information about the Rocksteady work - and nothing comes of it either, this time unintentionally.
How Warner Bros will proceed as an alternative after the cancellation of E3 is not yet known. The company could prepare a reveal show on its own and then distribute it digitally. A postponement to the next big trade fair would also be conceivable - however, due to the global coronavirus situation, nobody can currently say when it will take place.
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