The tactical shooter Sniper Elite will be implemented as a board game, that is the plan of the development team at Rebellion Development. The central trick of the game: killing Nazis. There is a hot seat mechanism behind this, in which the roles of hunter and hunted are simply reversed numerically. Rebellion wants to raise around 24.500 euros with the crowdfunding campaign Kickstarter collect to implement the board game and then ship it, probably in September 2021.
A board player can slip into the role of the heroic sniper Karl Fairburne in Sniper Elite: The Board Game, up to three opponents embody stupid Nazi soldiers who serve as cannon fodder. As ungrateful as the roles may be, the gameplay sounds exciting. The players have to be tactical - even the German soldiers in 1943.
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The tactical shooter board game simply reverses the Scotland Yard principle: one player is the hunter with the range rifle, all others stay as far out of the line of sight of the elite sniper Fairburne as possible. Sniper Elite: The Board Game is a board game with strong deductive elements. While the sniper acts in secret, the Nazi henchmen must try to determine his location.
Karl Fairburne, for his part, has to do tasks and of course also fire shots, which then give the opponents information about his position. Timing also plays a major role. Not least because the specialists within the squads played have special skills, but these can only be used to a limited extent. Basically, the game principle of the board game is closely related to that of the video game template. It's a kind of hit'n run on the part of the sniper, the defenders act as part of a team and take care not to spread themselves too far.
"The sniper goes first", a clear statement in the rules. As Karl Fairburne, players must complete their two mission objectives before being surprised twice - then the game will be lost to the sniper. Even if the defenders can push the turn marker all the way down, the sniper loses. The game board is an essential part of the board game and not just an underground. It is important to use and block lines of sight cleverly, to seek shelter indoors and to take the conditions on the map into account. Train wagons can only be entered from two directions.
The standard pledge, which contains a copy of the board game Sniper Elite: The Board Game, costs around 45 euros. Correspondingly more content-rich versions are available for 67 or 90 euros. For the maximum amount, there are then two extensions on top.
Rebellion Development plans to send the board game out in September 2021 after successful crowdfunding. the Kickstarter campaign now runs until September 1st. The developers have targeted around 25.000 euros as a financing target.
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