Attentive visitors to the SPIEL'16 in Essen will probably notice the many board game innovations at the world's largest trade fair for board games Kickstarterbanner could hardly have been missed. More developers than ever before presented their game ideas visibly as Kickstarter projects. And rightly so, because many a game concept from an independent game designer has hit the crowdfunding platform like a bomb. During the “board game month” of October, we also looked around the Kickstarter platform to find three promising crowdfunding board games, which we present in the following article.Have fun with the Kickstarter Report for October 2016.
Deep Madness from Diemension Games
If the game packaging already has the dimensions of one Star Wars – Rebellion has reached, then tabletop lovers should sit up and take notice. The current Kickstarter board game comes from Diemension Games deep madnesswhich was even marked as an admirable project by the Kickstarter team. That the game idea is also well received by the players is shown by the proud financing amount of around 470.000 US dollars with a remaining project duration of 22 days. The planned funding target of deep madness was a mere 100.000 US dollars. Over 4300 supporters have already signaled their interest, creating a solid fan base for the horror tabletop from the United States, which is expected to be sent out in November 2017. Diemension Games is currently using an Survey. deep madness is a cooperative miniatures game for 1 to 6 players, so it can also be played completely in a solo mode. However, like most cooperative board games, it is sure to be most fun with a handful of players. The setting is designed for sci-fi horror adventures, the presentation of which is reminiscent of HP Lovecraft's concepts. With 130 detailed miniatures that players can paint themselves on request, fans play on a modular game board that is composed differently depending on the selected mission. With 23 stretch goals activated so far, there is plenty of replenishment. deep madness could be one of those titles that scratch the magical limit of one million US dollars during the funding phase - at least if the supporters continue to donate as motivated. In addition to the finely crafted heroes, six of which are in the basic box, it is above all the monsters that convince with their unique characteristics. Due to numerous different attributes, the battles against creatures sometimes become gigantic challenges for the group of players. Diemension Games is already surprising with its attention to detail. If the horror tabletop is only nearly as good as the basic game concept promises, it will deep madness a must have for fans of sci-fi horror board games. More information about deep madness you get here.
Hexmaze from Sigma Games
A simple idea leads to the strategic placement game Hexmaze from Sigma Games to almost limitless entertainment. The project recently posted on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform is expected to bring in € 10.000 for the implementation. 57 supporters have so far invested around 1.500 euros, so that a few more supporters will be needed before the financing goal, who will bring one or the other euro into the project over the next 28 days. The full equipment of the game consists of 105 tiles, the instructions, the game board and a cloth bag. The aim of the game is simple: the first player who manages to use the path tiles to lay a road from his starting point to the center of the game board wins. That wouldn't be particularly difficult in itself if it weren't for special hex tiles that cause a lot of chaos on the field. In this way, opposing paths can be completely blocked or hex tiles can be rotated. Clere players simply swap an opponent's tile with their own in order to hinder the opponent and steer his own path in the right direction. Behind Hexmaze there is more to it than it initially seems. Up to six players try their hand at building roads and it can be assumed that the fun of the game increases with every additional player. At the same time, the course of the game becomes more complex the larger the game round. A visual treat is Hexmaze not, but it has a solid basic idea that requires strategic skill. With almost infinite laying possibilities, in the end the player who has kept an overview in the whole chaos and was able to achieve the best possible combination of opposing damage and personal benefit by laying out the special tokens wins in the end. You can find more information about this crowdfunding board game here.
Drawing Dead by John Fiorillo
Although that Kickstarter-Project drawing dead only recently started, over 290 fans have already supported John Fiorillo's idea. Almost 12.000 US dollars went into the game author's box office, who was also responsible for the deck building game Ascension. There are 40.000 days left to meet the US $ 33 funding goal. It can therefore be assumed that the project will be completed successfully. drawing dead is a card game where players put nothing less than their souls on the table as a bet. The basic set is designed for a game round of 3 to 6 players and includes everything you need to start playing right away. The gameplay is a modification of one of the most popular card games in the saloons of the western world: poker. The special feature is the use of character cards that trigger different bonuses. In turn, each player chooses his or her suitable "partner" from an increasingly thin deck of character cards.
In addition to skillful bluffs, choosing the right "poker power" is also crucial for winning the round. Of course, the character cards are reassigned in each round, always starting with the player who also begins the round. Seems like that's the only fair rule at drawing dead. What sounds rudimentary at first, has noticeable effects: for example, exchanging cards can weaken the opponent's display and at the same time strengthen your own. Each player starts with 10 poker chips and four playing cards, two of which are laid out face up and two face down. Then the typical bluffing and lying begins, which is already known to classic poker rounds. The special cards make the slow game of poker much more exciting. A simple idea with sometimes drastic effects on the course of the game. Interested players can find out more about Drawing Dead here.