There are two golden rules on the global internet: “No internet without cats” is one. “No internet with out dogs” is the other. And what applies to the Internet must also apply to games, one would assume. Shadow Games' plan: Combine both, put them in a deck of cards and successfully use them Kickstarter finance. The crowdfunding campaign for Tails of Conflict is currently running - not necessarily with initial problems, but the animals are still having a hard time in the second Kickstarter attempt.
“Kittens vs. Puppies: The Card Game” became “Tails of Conflict,” which not only sounds better, but is also getting off to a better start than the original campaign that Shadow Games canceled in mid-February. The makers of the card game said that they had learned from the campaign back then, and that they had already promised a re-launch Kickstarter to address. With the support of the community, a new name for the game was found through a vote and the new campaign is now underway.
Tails of Conflict The dog on the gaming table is going crazy
The title of the card game sounds pretty "smooth" after the renaming, less childish, corresponding to a strategic game. The idea: Players slip into the roles of heroic dogs or cats and then compete against each other. Various classes, based on a typical fantasy setting, are available for selection. Add to that equipment whose handling is measured by the number of paws and not hands - a funny trick that is based on the basic theme of the card game.
With a total of 160 cards, including 24 champion cards, dice and tokens, two to four players go into battles, which, according to Shadow Games, last between 20 and 40 minutes. The game time has already shown that the “Kitties vs. Puppies” fight isn’t all that complicated. Simple rules, quick fun – that’s the idea of Shadow Games. Everything is embedded in an animal setting, which often creates a hype Kickstarter good is.
The battle system of the card game is powered by dice. Players start with a die, but can earn more through upgrades. The throws can be modified with the skill. The aim is to capture the opposing three heroes by placing five hit tokens on them. Each class should be able to be played differently and strategically individually. Available are thieves, barbarians, assassins and knights - all of them hand-to-hand fighters.
Additional classes can be unlocked through backer goals. There are also stretch goals, which concern the card configuration and the quality of the material. Shadow Games calls around 33 euros as the basic pledge for a physical copy of the card game. You want to generate a total of a little over 11.000 euros at the end of the campaign, which is scheduled for September 27th. The creators have already received almost a quarter of the required amount, but the game still needs a little boost - despite the combined cat and dog theme.