Latest Gamescom in Cologne News
Gamescom 2023: No more tickets for Saturday
The day tickets for private visitors for gamescom Saturday, August 26th, are sold out.…
The most important game at Gamescom comes from Germany
Gamescom 2023 is just around the corner: major publishers are announcing equally major…
Gamescom 2023: Federal Minister of Economics Habeck opens the games fair
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Robert Habeck will attend the…
Gamescom 2023: Tickets are again significantly more expensive
In four months it will be time: From 23 to 27 August…
Gamescom 2023: early bird phase as the first success
With the end of the early bird phase, the organizers of Gamescom, Koelnmesse…
Samba at Gamescom 2023: Brazil is partner country
Brazil is the official partner country of Gamescom 2023, the world's largest games event and…