The prologue of El Dorado: The Golden City Builder has been playable as free-2-play for all PC gamers for a good two weeks. It serves as a kind of demo version and is intended to prepare strategy lovers for the upcoming full version. Although not all of the game content is available to you yet, you can really let off steam as a tactics fanatic. Buildings, paths and, above all, resources should help to become the strongest power on the “Yucatan” peninsula.
Be the architect of your own city
Every beginning is difficult. A dirt road here, a water carrier there and in no time your own ecosystem takes shape. This also drives up population growth. However, you have to remember that as the population increases, so does the responsibility. People have their needs and you have to meet them. Why else would they do all the work for you?
Offerings to the gods
Gaining the favor of the gods is particularly important in El Dorado: The Golden City Builder. If they are in a bad mood, things can get dark for you and your people. Sacrifices from slaves are probably the method of choice here, even if it may hurt. These can be executed in the in-house temple. If the gods like what they see, you can expect rewards. Divine protection from natural disasters or increasing yields from fruit and vegetable fields?
However, you should also be careful of less godlike figures. Neighboring peoples are not always keen on peaceful communication and must be fought with violence if circumstances (and their own egos) do not allow otherwise. After all, expanding your own territory is not entirely unimportant if you want to conquer the Yucatan for yourself.
Official release date not yet revealed
Since the prologue has only been playable since the end of January, the full version will probably take a while to arrive. An official date has not yet been announced by Gameparic, but due to the extensive demo version they will probably be busy for a long time anyway.