The release of Cyberpunk 2077 has long been postponed from April to September. CD Projekt Red uses the time to fine-tune the action role-playing game. Cyberpunk 2077 has now reached the next milestone in the development and release process: CD Projekt Red has submitted the game to the relevant institutions for age classification.
Cyberpunk 2077 is evolving visually
Studio boss Adam Badowski announced on Twitter that CD Projekt Red has applied for an age rating for the action role-playing game from the responsible institutions. Badowski also makes another statement - and that sounds promising.
After Adam Badowski's brief statement, the look of Cyberpunk 2077 also seems to be evolving. Badowski says the game "looks better and better every day."
We just submitted @cyberpunkgame to age rating agencies around the world (PEGI, ESRB, etc.). While we wait for the game to get rated, we work on polishing technical aspects and playtesting it. Game is looking better and better with each passing day!
- Adam Badowski (@AdamBadowski) March 10, 2020
After reaching the important milestone, Cyberpunk 2077 actually seems to be on the home stretch. While the age rating is carried out by the rating institutions, the developers continue to work on the technical aspects as part of the post-production of the game. In addition, CD Projekt Red uses the remaining time until the release for playtesting, i.e. for quality management.
With regard to the age classification, based on the content shown so far, it can be assumed that Cyberpunk 2077 will be released from the age of 18. This then corresponds to the classification of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
As already known, the action role-playing game will not appear until September. The original release was planned for April 2020 but has been postponed. The new date of September 17th seems realistic in view of the current development progress.
Cyberpunk 2077 will be released for Playstation 4, PC, Xbox One and Google Stadia. Although the new release date is only a few months before the launch of the next-gen consoles Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, the developers currently have no plans for corresponding next-gen implementations.
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