Taleworlds has finally brought Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord to the market. The title has already performed excellently on Steam shortly after its release: with a peak of over 240.000 simultaneous players, the medieval video game has already beaten well-known competitors such as GTA 5 or Monster Hunter: World. If you want, you can use cheats in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - to increase your combat power or to increase your gold supply.
Cheating at Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord: Prepare
There are games where even cheating is not that easy. If, on the other hand, you want to cheat on Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, you can do so after a few adjustments in the corresponding configuration file - many cheats then even work at the push of a button.
Actually, Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord in its original state - i.e. without modifications - does not have a console in which you can enter cheat codes. Nevertheless, you can use some hotkey cheating, for example to access weapons or to teleport around the game world; even a powerful instant cure is then possible.
Because Mount & Blade is, among other things, a game for lovers of the Middle Ages, cheats will probably not go down too well. If you still want to take a chance, you can still “cheat your way to success”. Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is as much an RPG as it is a medieval sandbox: modifications are therefore part of the gaming experience - cheats too, but therefore not necessarily good form in the sword-wielding community.
How to activate the cheat mode in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
In order to be able to use cheats in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, you must first adjust the configuration file. Navigate to the "Documents" folder on your hard drive, then to the "Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord" folder - you should find the engine_config.txt file there.
Open the configuration file using a text editor, e.g. Notepad in Windows. Then you search (CTRL + F) for the following command line: cheat_mode = 0. It shows you that the cheat mode is currently switched off. To activate it, change the 0 to a 1 so that the line reads cheat_mode = 1. Save and you can use cheat codes from now on. Of course, the mode can also be switched off in this way.
There are some reports that players had to restart the campaign in order to use the cheats. Others report minor performance impairments.
Cheats for gold and items
As soon as the cheat mode has been activated, you can open your inventory in the game and access every imaginable item from there. To do this, simply click the desired items from the window on the left into your possession by pressing the arrow. Confirm this at the end by pressing "Done" and you will be richer by a variety of useful items.
This is also a quick way to get gold. There is no special gold cheat for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord without installing mods. Instead, you can get hold of expensive items in the way described above and then simply sell them.
Cheats for teleport and combat
You can also cheat happily in battle with Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. The following key combinations are helpful:
- Ctrl + F4: knock down opponents in combat
- Ctrl + Alt + F4: Kill the entire enemy army in the Kamof
- Ctrl + H: instant healing
- Ctrl + Shift + H: Instant healing for your horse
- Ctrl + F2: knock down your own soldier
- Ctrl + F3: knock down the player
- Ctrl + Shift + F3: knock your horse down when you sit on it
It can be just as useful to teleport yourself through the game world at the push of a button. This can be done very easily with the cheat combination Ctrl + left click anywhere on the map.
Developer console at Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
Advanced cheats can use a developer console at Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. This is not available in the game by default, but has to be installed first. Corresponding instructions and the file are available ..
If you want to use the command console, you have to activate the cheat mode for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord after the installation, as described above. Only then can the commands be used. You can access the command console by pressing Ctrl + ~ ; so the console can also be closed.
All codes must be written as shown; the number sign can be replaced by a number:
- Add gold: campaign.add_gold_to_hero #
- Level up: campaign.add_skill_xp_to_hero
- Add influence: campaign.add_influence #
- Add fame: campaign.add_renown_to_clan #
- Add focus: campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero #
- List troop IDs: campaign.give_troops help
- Add troops: campaign.give_troops [TroopID] #
There are hundreds of other commands available for the command console, but these are just a few of the most useful. Modders have already discovered a multitude of commands. You can find more information about this in this Modder forum.
So soon after the release of Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, now is the best time to jump into the game. The learning curve is extremely steep, but the title offers entertainment for many months.
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