Letter Jam is a cooperative word game by the game author Ondra Skoupý, the original of which was published by Czech Games Edition and is localized and distributed in German by Heidelbär Games. In Letter Jam, two to six guessing foxes have to guess secret words. But that's not that easy, because each player has one letter of his hidden secret word in front of him round after round, but only sees the letters of his fellow players. In our board game review we reveal why Letter Jam turns out to be great word guessing fun.
The premise of Letter Jam is simple: Only by cleverly decoding clue words can the players - all work together - guess their hidden letters in order to form a meaningful word from their secret "letter jam" at the end of the game.
Number of players: 2 to 6 players
Age: from 10 years
Playing time: 45 to 60 minutes
Difficulty: medium
Long-term motivation: medium
Published by Heidelbär Games / CGE
Author: Ondra Skoupý
Graphics: Lukáš Vodička, František Sedláček, Radim “Finder” Pech
Year of publication: 2019
Language: German
Cost: 27 Euro
Letter Jam from Heidelbär Games is currently one of the best word guessing games on the market. Ondra Skoupý's title can easily keep up with top competitors such as Codenames, even if the gameplay proves to be a little more classic than that Game of the Year 2016. Overall, Letter Jam seems to focus more on the social component, which makes the title an excellent fun game.
Letter Jam also appeals to larger playgroups and involves all participants equally in the flow of the game. There is hardly any idling, the brain is constantly working. Giving hints is just as exciting as receiving hints. In the end, there is great joy in the case of success, otherwise there is a noticeable learning effect. Then Letter Jam proves how simple board games are to promote conversation. After one round, you could spend hours discussing the various tips - not just to get better, but because this interaction is fun.