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News for fans of Pen & Paper
In summer/autumn 2024, Pegasus Spiele will once again expand its publishing portfolio with…
Pen and paper: new products from Pegasus Spiele
Pegasus Spiele recently released two new adventure volumes for the horror role-playing game Cthulhu…
For retro fans: "The unofficial GBA pixel book" is coming
Attention fans of pixel nostalgia: Pre-sales for “The Unofficial GBA Pixel Book” by…
New Shadowrun RPG books available
The Shadowrun volumes Shadow Business, The Usual Suspects, Kaleidoscopes… recently published by Pegasus Spiele
Book trade: Gaming app is intended to encourage browsing
Gaming apps with AR technology have been a hit since Pokémon Go. Now…
New Cthulhu RPG volumes from Pegasus Games
With Hexagon of the Ancients, Return to Halloween and Does Love Forgive All?…