Latest Video Games News
Game test: Oceanhorn from FDG Entertainment for Xbox One
If console gamers outside the Nintendo sphere are sorely missing a well-known series, then it is…
More than a fan service: Role Play Convention (RPC) 2017 in Cologne
What was once one of many conventions in the field of role-playing…
In the test: Injustice 2 for smartphones and tablets
For the second time, superheroes and supervillains gather in virtual space,…
Free to play and Co .: Download legal games
The big publishers have recently recognized the signs of the times. Casual gamers and…
Early Access Test: The survival game Conan Exiles from Funcom
There are film quotes that you never forget as a passionate cinephile. "I'll be...
In the test: Star Wars - Force Arena for smartphones and tablets
The power is once again with those who have a smartphone or…