As the studio boss of Bioware Austin, Cristian Dailey, now announces on Twitter, the update 2.0 of Anthem is now making great strides. This is at least suggested by the divided concept drawings. Will Anthem 2.0 be a pirate setting?
Nobody denies that Anthem had its problems at the beginning. The concept is interesting, the game world is beautiful and the cut scenes are super animated. On the other hand, the story is boring, the loot (in a loot shooter) uninspired and always the same junk, missions are repetitive including story stoppers in which you complete tasks that actually belong in a side mission, and and and. The players lost interest in the game relatively quickly, because somehow the whole game puzzle just didn't fit together.
Update 2.0 should now change that, because it should not only fix old bugs, but also implement completely new game mechanics.
Anthem 2.0 with sci-fi pirates?
Getting the Javalin ready again right away is still a bit early. But Anthem 2.0, also known as "Anthem Next" - the major makeover of the struggling action game - is making visible progress. Bioware Austin studio boss Christian Dailey shares a first look at concepts for the completely renewed Anthem on Twitter.
It becomes clear that the developers are not only working on the construction sites around loot and progression, but are also developing new content for Anthem. So that you can imagine something underneath, there is a series of pictures to marvel at.
We see a new environment at lofty heights that serves as a refuge for the new pirate faction. So in Anthem Next we are no longer just dealing with Scar, Dominion and Co., but also with a new type of opponent.
Furthermore, Christian Dailey explains that a new development blog will start within the next few weeks. Here the developers want to talk more about the process of redesigning Anthem.
It is particularly important to keep a close eye on whether everything is happening in the interests of the community. After all, Anthem 2.0 is largely based on feedback from disappointed gamers. The concept images definitely look coherent and atmospheric, but it wasn't so much about the visuals that made Anthem so bad for disappointed fans. Bioware has yet to prove in a playful way whether it is worthwhile to get the Javelin ready to go again in Anthem 2.0.
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